September 5
8:00 pm - 11:45 pm
Sunshine Laundromat, Brooklyn, NY
Once again we celebrate the start of another season of the Pinball NYC league (the 17th, to be precise). Festivities take place at Sunshine Laundromat, in Greenpoint Brooklyn, starting at 8PM. Hop on that G train, hail that taxi cab, punch up an Uber, ride your bike, or walk —…
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Sunshine Laundromat, Brooklyn, NY
Join us on Wednesday, May 23rd, at Sunshine Laundry in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, as we celebrate the close of the SIXTEENTH season of the Pinball NYC league, and raise a glass to our winners. There will be plenty of good vibes, great pinball, tasty beer, and fine people on hand, so…
READ MORE >April 28
2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Solid State, Woodside, New York
Jade and Anna will be hosting the first official tournament at Solid State, on Saturday, April 28th. Here’s what they have to say: Yes, we are playing Super Mario Brothers. Out of respect for the venue, please no outside drinks, besides water. *****There is a 28 player MAXIMUM for this…
READ MORE >March 26
8:00 pm - 11:45 pm
Solid State, Woodside, New York
To mark the middle of Season 16, we’re having a little gathering at Solid State, the city’s newest pinball bar. Just off the 7 train, and not too far from the city, Solid State offers 7 pinball machines, 20 rotating lines of NY State beer and cider, beer and shot…
READ MORE >February 12
8:00 pm - 11:45 pm
Sunshine Laundromat, Brooklyn, NY
Sweet Sixteen! Time to kickoff the 16th season of the league with another party at Sunshine Laundry. Plenty of pinball, good beer, fine folks — what more can you ask for? As always, the party is a great opportunity for interested players to meet and join existing teams, or to…